Landscapes of Alston Moor
exhibition will reopen Nenthead’s Hive on 4 July
The Hive at Nenthead will celebrate reopening from lock-down with an exhibition of new paintings of Alston Moor by four well-known local artists.
The exhibition is part of the Alston Landscape Art Town Initiative, a new scheme to bring visitors to the area and recognition for its fine landscapes and its strong tradition of landscape art and photography.
Works by Gillie Cawthorne, Ben Haslam, Lionel Playford and Helen Johnson will be displayed and available to buy. Prints and other art materials will also be on sale.
The Landscapes of Alston Moor exhibition will open on Saturday, 4 July, and run for four weeks to Sunday, 2 August, inclusive. It will be open from Thursdays to Sundays 10am-3pm initially and the artists will attend on selected afternoons for talks (details to follow)
“Our newly-formed Board of Trustees is delighted to have the opportunity to launch our first exhibition in tandem with the launch of the newly-renamed Hive at Nenthead,” says ALATI chair, Kathy Reeds. “We look forward to working with them to provide a range of arts-based activities for both local people and tourists showing the natural beauty of the Alston Moor landscape.”
Press contacts: Kathy Reeds (Chair of ALATI): 01434 321788/07958 046 259
(The Hive) Siân Griffith-Jones, director of The Hive: 07952 605072
Website: http://www.alati.org.uk (under construction)
Facebook: Alston Landscape Arts Town Initiative (ALATI)
Editors’ Notes: The Alston Landscape Art Town Initiative (ALATI) was set up last winter to promote Alston Moor’s landscape widely. Its board of trustees includes two artists and three landscape photographers. Its goal is to celebrate Alston Moor’s landscapes, to attract visitors year-round to enjoy courses, art trips and exhibitions and to support local artists and photographers.
The former Nenthead Arts and Visitor Centre is being relaunched as “The Hive”.
Release into the Landscape Exhibition and Competition
To mark the lifting of the lockdown, we are planning a competition over the summer and an exhibition of people’s work at Christmas. Our five artists and landscape photographers will lead participating groups to specific locations over the summer, although those entering the competition are free to choose their own subjects. More details will follow.
Other events
We have drawn up a wide-ranging list of events including talks and competitions for later in the summer once lockdown lifts. More details to come.
And, finally…
Your now-constituted Board of Trustees would like to thank everyone who has helped so far including Alston Moor Partnership’s Community Fund with particular thanks to Alix Martin for building the website which is now underway.
As the workload is growing, and we are a small group of eight volunteers, we would like to invite anyone interested in joining the Board of Trustees to consider the following roles: membership secretary, fundraising officer and events’ organiser. Please get in touch below.
Kathy Reeds (Chair) email: j.reeds@btinternet.com Tel: 01434 321 788/07958 046 259