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Kathy Reeds

ALATI Newsletter 5

Release into the Landscape Exhibition now off (literally)

Sadly, we have had to cancel the Release into the Landscape workshops and Christmas exhibition because of Covid restrictions. However, we are spending the time populating our website, with new video content and blogs. We will also be drawing up a programme of talks and events for next year, some of which were held over from this one.

Other events

Our photographers, Gordon Monk, Mike Knowles and Brian Davies are planning a monthly theme on the website to encourage photographers to submit their work. Please check the website, for more details.

ALATI Development Plan

We will be focusing during the autumn months on reviewing our goals and drawing up a development plan for this initiative which is based around regeneration through culture. We would welcome input from the residents of Alston Moor. Please contact us either via the website or Kathy and Jon Reeds on

And, finally…

Your Board of Trustees would like to thank everyone who has helped so far including Alston Moor Partnership’s Community Fund and the Alston House Hotel.

As we are a small group of eight volunteers and the workload is growing, we would like to invite anyone interested in joining the Board of Trustees to consider the following roles: membership secretary, fundraising officer and events’ organiser. Please get in touch below.

ALATI Chair Kathy Reeds: 01434 321 788/07958 046 259 (

Facebook: Alston Landscape Arts Town Initiative (ALATI)

The Alston Landscape Art Town Initiative (ALATI) was set up last winter to promote Alston Moor’s landscape widely. Its board of trustees includes two artists and three landscape photographers. Its goal is to celebrate Alston Moor’s landscapes, to attract visitors year-round to enjoy courses, art trips and exhibitions and to support local artists and photographers.

The members of its Board of Trustees are: Kathy Reeds (chair), Jane Burdett (treasurer), Jon Reeds (secretary), Helen Johnson, Lionel Playford, Brian Davies, Mike Knowles and Gordon Monk.

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